
Few other parasites are as difficult to control as fleas. Traditional attempts of controlling this pest on the pet revolved around an array of products like collars, sprays, powders and shampoos. In addition, household products such as light traps, sonic devices, and chemical foggers were also used. However, only a few lucky pet owners will claim to have completely and in the long term conquered the annoying flea using any of these methods.

Fleas are true parasites. They cannot reproduce without ingesting blood from a host for sustenance. Fleas have been in existence at least 50 million years. So far, over 2200 types of fleas have been identified. Some fleas are host specific, but others may infest many different species.

Professional treatment including integrated pest management, treatment of infested areas, and ongoing assistance by the home owner is by far the best approach to effective and lasting flea control.